Vacation pics

 Recently we took our daughter on her first plane ride to California, I took the earliest flight at 6am so she could sleep the majority of the ride. She was so amazing and such a big girl during both flights. Word of advice, bring gum so as the plane begins to descend your child's ears wont be in pain. I took like 100 photos, but these are some of my favorite ones.


Malibu Beach

Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach with her daddy

Free spirit

Catch Wave

peaceful moments

Beach Babe
Mermaid ride that we got stuck on

On Route 66 in Cars land

Disney Land

Disney Land Adventure (Moving Bridge)

Making a water hole

Watching the Disney Princess Parade

Every girls dream, Tea cups with her daddy

Laguna Hills Hike with my sexy man

Look at the waves

Laguna Hills Hike, Cliff Side Meditation 

Veggie Grill, my favorite meal there

Venice Beach

Always time for Ninja practice
The beauty of life

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