First I took my old chairs from my previous table, I suggest using chairs that have some imperfections or that are old. That way if you don't like the results you wont feel bad about throwing them out.

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I'm guilty.

There has to be a happy medium, because sometimes you want to capture moments. We just need to find a medium between enjoying them and capturing them.

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Do not drown in your feelings of in-completion, 
but instead find peace in your journey.

Often our thoughts become overwhelming and can overshadow the day. The idea that we aren't where we want to be in life, or the idea that the things we have done aren't a reflection of our heart. The idea of who we want to be is not always the person we show the world. Disappointment is normal, but dwelling on the past will only bring you sorrow. It is important to remember what we have done so that we do not repeat those same mistakes. However  it is also important to understand that all you need is one day. You can wake up and become the type of person you want to be by just being that person. People may not believe you, and they may not have faith in your growth. You are the only one who can determine who you are. Everyone else will just have to figure it out own their own.  Drown out the noise of a negative past with new positive actions.

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