Dream Chasers Interview with Maya Smith


Email Interview:

What is your name and where do you live?

Maya Smith. I’m a Los Angeles, CA native, currently living in Germany.

What is the name of your company?


What inspired you to create the product?

As a licensed professional in the hair care industry for 18 years, I’ve been notorious for creating the relaxed look on natural hair without the damage of chemical treatments. A few years ago, when I opened my salon, The HoneyComb, I found myself bouncing between product lines in two categories: straight/relaxed, and kinky/curly. There didn’t seem to be one brand that supported my philosophy: Natural is about freedom. True freedom is about versatility. Chicks with real hair should be able to use one range to create any look that they desire, regardless of their style preference. Curly to straight, then back again from one day to the next without chemicals. It wasn’t about being natural. It was about being smart.

The result was The DOUX, a name derived from the French word for smooth, mild, or sweet. Inspired by my European experience, and my love for hip-hop, I created The DOUX to give real chicks permission to transform their obsession over their hair into creativity and self-expression, and to inspire them to explore the full spectrum of what it means to be relaxer-free.

How do you feel about the natural hair verses relaxed hair movement?

I think that in order to call this a movement, you must have two things: unity  and progress. For me, the verdict is still out...

What’s DOPE: The beautiful thing about this season in our history is the positive dialogue that has begun to opened up amongst women of color concerning self-awareness, health, and quality of life. We have become more informed consumers, with greater understanding of our buying power, which continues to influence the products and services that are being offered to us in the marketplace. You can stand in any ethnic hair care isle in America, and have an warm exchange with someone that shares your experience and supports your decision. In many ways, I feel like its healing us on some level.

On the other hand, the “movement” has begun to stir up an energy that I believe is the exact opposite of what was intended. I meet women every day who went natural to get free, only to find that they are not accepted by “the community” because they choose to rock a blowout, or use products that aren’t organic, have silicones, etc. After months of internet research, and hundreds of dollars in product purchases, many of us find still find ourselves under the scrutiny of “The YouTube Alumni”, telling us what we should/should do to our hair, and wether or not we are natural enough. Natural vs. Relaxed has in many ways turned into an Us vs. Them. That’s WACK. We are smart chicks with real hair, not Crips & Bloods.

Do you feel defined by your hair as a woman of color?

Not at all. I refuse to be that wrapped up into anything that can be gone tomorrow. I wake up every day with the realization that everything, including my hair is a gift. If you’ve ever had a friend or family member who’s battled cancer, your know that you are fortunate. Being a woman of color might define my curl pattern, but my hair is only one of the things that make me interesting. I would be twice as awesome if I were bald.

What is your go to  protective hairstyle and how do you maintain your hair at night?

I keep it simple. Old school. Silk scarf. (you know the one that you’ve had since high school that you refuse to part with?) When I wear it straight, I pin-curl it at night, because once it’s been straightened, I don’t use heat on my hair again until the next time I wash it. When I wear it curly, I hydrate it with BONITA AFRO BALM and tie it up with a scarf or bonnet.

Where do you hope to see your company in 5 years?

I see The DOUX as a global lifestyle brand that inspires creativity and supports and serves community. It is important to me that the people who use my products benefit directly from its growth, and that their communities see and feel the impact of my brand’s presence. I hope to expand my brand to create jobs and training, and mentorship for young hair care professionals, chemists, artists, and entrepreneurs.

Please answer questions below if you are a mother:

How many children do you have?

5. All boys, ages 2-10.

What is your favorite thing about being a mother?

Tax Returns! (just kidding)
My life is a 24-hour Harlem Shake. I love it. Every night is a sleepover, and every day is a comedy show. It’s one thing to have kids that you love, it’s another thing to be rearing people that you like. It’s a lot of hard work, but I’m surrounded by 5 little men (and one big one) who adore me. These are the people that will grow up to be gentlemen who’s company I enjoy.

How has your child inspired you to follow your dreams?

My eldest son was diagnosed with autism at age 2. For the past 10 years, I’ve watched a child who was not even supposed to be able to speak live a full life, make friends, attend a typical school, and make the honor roll.  Living with someone who daily defies those kinds of challenges shuts down every excuse I’ve ever had for not being my personal best.

Out of all the valuable lessons in life, what is the one thing you would tell your child when picking a career?

Whatever you do well when you’re waisting time is probably what you should be doing with your life. People will tell you to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer, but if those things don’t come naturally to you, you are withholding the thing that was placed in you to bring to the world. We have enough highly educated people who hate their jobs, and even more people who love their jobs, but are ineffective in their communities.

Significance and service are what makes you truly successful. Study your craft, and the money will come. Practicing in what I love to do has not only created the most fulfillment and financial stability in my life, but has touched and inspired people around me.

Closing words or information about your website/product/ or self that you would like to include.

I think I’ve already said a mouth full...

Also include any links and or stores that you can find your product.

You can find us on Facebook.com/lovethedoux, and instagram @ilovethdoux. We plan to be available in several select Salons and upscale resellers all over the US within the next few months. Right now, The DOUX is only available at TheDOUX.com and in our sister salon, Hi Texture Hair in Lawrenceville, GA (hitexturehair.com). If you’re in the Metro Atlanta Area, check them out.

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